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The James Bay River Monitoring Network

This website is designed primarily to allow the community to visualize river water discharge and temperature data that are generated by the James Bay River Monitoring Network. In addition to the 9 stations that were deployed by Niskamoon in 2018, the site shows data from 5 existing hydrometric stations located in the Eastern James Bay that have been operated by Hydro Québec. The data is not real time since they are updated weekly.
Last update on 2024-07-24 10:15:40

Click here to learn how to visualize the data!
  1. Check the location of all the hydrometric stations available using the map displayed on the left. Zoom in and out to explore their location across the region and click on the colored dots to check the name of the river in which they are located.

  2. To visualize the data of each station, click on the river name displayed in the top horizontal bar.

  3. Two plots will be displayed, the top plot shows average discharge per day (measured as water volume flowing per second), the bottom shows the average water temperature (in degrees Celsius) per day.

  4. Below each plot there is a window where you can choose the time interval for which the data are displayed. Here you can click and move the two white vertical bars on the right and on the left to select a particular interval of time that you wish to observe.

  5. Pass the mouse cursor over the graph lines to visualize the discharge value and its corresponding date, which will be displayed in a label box colored with the same colour as graph lines.


All rivers


The James Bay River Monitoring Network is composed of 9 autonomous hydrometric monitoring stations that were originally deployed in 2018 as part of the multidisciplinary Coastal Habitat Comprehensive Research Project funded by the Cree Nation Government of Eeyou Istchee and Hydro Québec through the Niskamoon Corporation. These stations continuously measure river water level (which is subsequently converted into water discharge) and water temperature. As from 2023, the network of hydrometric monitoring stations functions through a collaborative agreement between the Cree Nation Government (CNG), the Niskamoon Corporation, Hydro-Québec and Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM). The aim of this monitoring network is to provide the Cree Nation of Eeyou Istchee and the various communities in the James Bay with almost-real time river data that can be used for decision making, and long-term data that can be used to assess how the annual and seasonal patterns of discharge and temperature may be changing in the James Bay.

Click here to have more information about river discharge!

River discharge (water flow of rivers) varies greatly in time, at a scale of hours, days, months and years, reflecting weather events such as rainstorms, seasonal events such as snow melt, and exceptional climatic events such as extended drought or wet periods. River discharge is also affected by changes in the territory, for example by the presence of different types of forests, and by human activities, for example, by damming or river deviation. Monitoring river discharge is important to understand how rivers are behaving and also how they are changing, and also how the territory and the regional climate are changing.

Measuring river discharge, so the amount of water flowing at a given place, is very difficult. Instead, what is generally measured is river level, so the height of the water. This can be done quite simply by placing a graduated pole on the side of the river and having someone go and take a measure every day of the height of the river, but for most of the James Bay rivers, this approach is not feasible because the rivers are not easily accessible by people. In addition, this approach does not provide much detail on the variations in discharge that may occur at short time scales. This is why modern hydrometric stations use an electronic pressure sensor that is installed at the bottom of the river, and which continuously records variations in the height of the water level based on variations in pressure. The sensor also records water temperature, and pressure and temperature data are stored in a logger that is housed in a small box that is installed at the shore. The logger transmits via satellite the data that was collected to a server, where it can be further processed and distributed. Since there are no electrical outlets nearby, the system is powered by solar panels.


Water height is related to water discharge, because when the river carries more water, the water level usually goes up, but this relationship needs to be calibrated so that the measurements of water height can be transformed to water discharge. The way this is done is by measuring the shape (depth and width, so the total area) of the river channel at the site of the hydrometric station, using an instrument that measures water depth, and also measuring water current velocity across the river channel in this same site, using an instrument called a Doppler current meter. Once the shape of the basin is established, and the velocity of the water is known, then one can calculate the discharge at that time, and if we do this several times over the year, then we can develop a relationship between this estimated discharge and the measured water height from the sensor. This is called a “calibration” or a “rating” curve, which is specific for that particular river site and hydrometric station, and which will be used to convert all the water height data into discharge numbers. Each hydrometric station has its own calibration curve, which needs to be periodically validated. The hydrometric stations need to be visited every year for maintenance and to make sure the sensors are correctly placed.



Data Description

Click here to read some technical details!

The data shown in this web site are derived from automatic hydrometric gauging stations that were installed in 2018 by Niskamoon in the following rivers (station ID in brackets): Beaver (CAST1008), Conn (CONN1009), Eastmain (EAST1005), Guillaume (GUIL1011), Jolicoeur south branch (JOLI1004), Jolicoeur north branch (JOLI1021), Maquatua (MAQU1007), Seal (PHOQ1010), Old Factory (VICO1006). In addition to these 9 stations, the website shows data from 5 hydrometric that have been operated by Hydro-Québec in southern James Bay and that have been incorporated to the James Bay River Monitoring Network: Broadback (BROA0753), Nottaway (NOTT960), Pontax (0926), Rupert (RUPE0744), and La Grande (LG1). Note that Pontax station has been transferred to Quebec government in 2019 and is currently operated by the “Centre d’expertise hydrique du Québec” (discharge data can be visualized online:

The raw pressure and temperature data from the hydrometric stations are transmitted via satellite to the HQ Geomatic Unit daily, where the data are collected, summarily checked, and transmitted once a week to the River Team at the UQAM. The UQAM team collates, checks the data, and transforms the pressure data to water discharge using the individual rating equations that have been developed for each of the rivers by the HQ technical team, stores the resulting water discharge and temperature data, and updates daily mean discharge and temperature values to the website. The data that can be visualized on this website are preliminary and have been transmitted with limited verification and review for quality assurance by the HQ Geomatic Unit (Hydrometry); they are intended for visualization only. Subsequent re-calibration procedures following in situ sensor verification and other quality control procedures that are carried twice yearly may result in slight differences from what is currently displayed and will be updated in the future in the final data base. River discharge and temperature data can be made available upon request for research and other purposes upon expressed consent from CNG and Niskamoon Corporation. Data requests should be directed to Paul del Giorgio ().

Technical notes:

-River discharge values are calculated from empirical relationships (rating curves) that have been established in open water conditions and do not apply for ice covered conditions.

-Winter gauges were not used for the calculation of the rating equations because the levels can be influenced by the presence of ice.

-Initial calibration for the 9 new hydrometric stations was carried out between spring of 2019 and fall 2019 using a Doppler velocimeter integrated into a remote-controlled catamaran

-Gaps in the data series are generally caused by hardware or transmission malfunctions, or by problems with sensor displacement by ice blocks or by extraordinary discharge events

-Water level and temperature measurements are continuously monitored, and data are transmitted daily by satellite to the HQ Geomatic server. However, final validation (new calibrations) is needed to check if the hydrometric sensor did not dislocate in the time interval between 2 visits. In case of displacement, new rating equations need to be developed to correct the published discharge data.





Data Description

Click here to read some technical details!

The data shown in this web site are derived from automatic hydrometric gauging stations that were installed in 2018 by Niskamoon in the following rivers (station ID in brackets): Beaver (CAST1008), Conn (CONN1009), Eastmain (EAST1005), Guillaume (GUIL1011), Jolicoeur south branch (JOLI1004), Jolicoeur north branch (JOLI1021), Maquatua (MAQU1007), Seal (PHOQ1010), Old Factory (VICO1006). In addition to these 9 stations, the website shows data from 5 hydrometric that have been operated by Hydro-Québec in southern James Bay and that have been incorporated to the James Bay River Monitoring Network: Broadback (BROA0753), Nottaway (NOTT960), Pontax (0926), Rupert (RUPE0744), and La Grande (LG1). Note that Pontax station has been transferred to Quebec government in 2019 and is currently operated by the “Centre d’expertise hydrique du Québec” (discharge data can be visualized online:

The raw pressure and temperature data from the hydrometric stations are transmitted via satellite to the HQ Geomatic Unit daily, where the data are collected, summarily checked, and transmitted once a week to the River Team at the UQAM. The UQAM team collates, checks the data, and transforms the pressure data to water discharge using the individual rating equations that have been developed for each of the rivers by the HQ technical team, stores the resulting water discharge and temperature data, and updates daily mean discharge and temperature values to the website. The data that can be visualized on this website are preliminary and have been transmitted with limited verification and review for quality assurance by the HQ Geomatic Unit (Hydrometry); they are intended for visualization only. Subsequent re-calibration procedures following in situ sensor verification and other quality control procedures that are carried twice yearly may result in slight differences from what is currently displayed and will be updated in the future in the final data base. River discharge and temperature data can be made available upon request for research and other purposes upon expressed consent from CNG and Niskamoon Corporation. Data requests should be directed to Paul del Giorgio ().

Technical notes:

-River discharge values are calculated from empirical relationships (rating curves) that have been established in open water conditions and do not apply for ice covered conditions.

-Winter gauges were not used for the calculation of the rating equations because the levels can be influenced by the presence of ice.

-Initial calibration for the 9 new hydrometric stations was carried out between spring of 2019 and fall 2019 using a Doppler velocimeter integrated into a remote-controlled catamaran

-Gaps in the data series are generally caused by hardware or transmission malfunctions, or by problems with sensor displacement by ice blocks or by extraordinary discharge events

-Water level and temperature measurements are continuously monitored, and data are transmitted daily by satellite to the HQ Geomatic server. However, final validation (new calibrations) is needed to check if the hydrometric sensor did not dislocate in the time interval between 2 visits. In case of displacement, new rating equations need to be developed to correct the published discharge data.





Data Description

Click here to read some technical details!

The data shown in this web site are derived from automatic hydrometric gauging stations that were installed in 2018 by Niskamoon in the following rivers (station ID in brackets): Beaver (CAST1008), Conn (CONN1009), Eastmain (EAST1005), Guillaume (GUIL1011), Jolicoeur south branch (JOLI1004), Jolicoeur north branch (JOLI1021), Maquatua (MAQU1007), Seal (PHOQ1010), Old Factory (VICO1006). In addition to these 9 stations, the website shows data from 5 hydrometric that have been operated by Hydro-Québec in southern James Bay and that have been incorporated to the James Bay River Monitoring Network: Broadback (BROA0753), Nottaway (NOTT960), Pontax (0926), Rupert (RUPE0744), and La Grande (LG1). Note that Pontax station has been transferred to Quebec government in 2019 and is currently operated by the “Centre d’expertise hydrique du Québec” (discharge data can be visualized online:

The raw pressure and temperature data from the hydrometric stations are transmitted via satellite to the HQ Geomatic Unit daily, where the data are collected, summarily checked, and transmitted once a week to the River Team at the UQAM. The UQAM team collates, checks the data, and transforms the pressure data to water discharge using the individual rating equations that have been developed for each of the rivers by the HQ technical team, stores the resulting water discharge and temperature data, and updates daily mean discharge and temperature values to the website. The data that can be visualized on this website are preliminary and have been transmitted with limited verification and review for quality assurance by the HQ Geomatic Unit (Hydrometry); they are intended for visualization only. Subsequent re-calibration procedures following in situ sensor verification and other quality control procedures that are carried twice yearly may result in slight differences from what is currently displayed and will be updated in the future in the final data base. River discharge and temperature data can be made available upon request for research and other purposes upon expressed consent from CNG and Niskamoon Corporation. Data requests should be directed to Paul del Giorgio ().

Technical notes:

-River discharge values are calculated from empirical relationships (rating curves) that have been established in open water conditions and do not apply for ice covered conditions.

-Winter gauges were not used for the calculation of the rating equations because the levels can be influenced by the presence of ice.

-Initial calibration for the 9 new hydrometric stations was carried out between spring of 2019 and fall 2019 using a Doppler velocimeter integrated into a remote-controlled catamaran

-Gaps in the data series are generally caused by hardware or transmission malfunctions, or by problems with sensor displacement by ice blocks or by extraordinary discharge events

-Water level and temperature measurements are continuously monitored, and data are transmitted daily by satellite to the HQ Geomatic server. However, final validation (new calibrations) is needed to check if the hydrometric sensor did not dislocate in the time interval between 2 visits. In case of displacement, new rating equations need to be developed to correct the published discharge data.





Data Description

Click here to read some technical details!

The data shown in this web site are derived from automatic hydrometric gauging stations that were installed in 2018 by Niskamoon in the following rivers (station ID in brackets): Beaver (CAST1008), Conn (CONN1009), Eastmain (EAST1005), Guillaume (GUIL1011), Jolicoeur south branch (JOLI1004), Jolicoeur north branch (JOLI1021), Maquatua (MAQU1007), Seal (PHOQ1010), Old Factory (VICO1006). In addition to these 9 stations, the website shows data from 5 hydrometric that have been operated by Hydro-Québec in southern James Bay and that have been incorporated to the James Bay River Monitoring Network: Broadback (BROA0753), Nottaway (NOTT960), Pontax (0926), Rupert (RUPE0744), and La Grande (LG1). Note that Pontax station has been transferred to Quebec government in 2019 and is currently operated by the “Centre d’expertise hydrique du Québec” (discharge data can be visualized online:

The raw pressure and temperature data from the hydrometric stations are transmitted via satellite to the HQ Geomatic Unit daily, where the data are collected, summarily checked, and transmitted once a week to the River Team at the UQAM. The UQAM team collates, checks the data, and transforms the pressure data to water discharge using the individual rating equations that have been developed for each of the rivers by the HQ technical team, stores the resulting water discharge and temperature data, and updates daily mean discharge and temperature values to the website. The data that can be visualized on this website are preliminary and have been transmitted with limited verification and review for quality assurance by the HQ Geomatic Unit (Hydrometry); they are intended for visualization only. Subsequent re-calibration procedures following in situ sensor verification and other quality control procedures that are carried twice yearly may result in slight differences from what is currently displayed and will be updated in the future in the final data base. River discharge and temperature data can be made available upon request for research and other purposes upon expressed consent from CNG and Niskamoon Corporation. Data requests should be directed to Paul del Giorgio ().

Technical notes:

-River discharge values are calculated from empirical relationships (rating curves) that have been established in open water conditions and do not apply for ice covered conditions.

-Winter gauges were not used for the calculation of the rating equations because the levels can be influenced by the presence of ice.

-Initial calibration for the 9 new hydrometric stations was carried out between spring of 2019 and fall 2019 using a Doppler velocimeter integrated into a remote-controlled catamaran

-Gaps in the data series are generally caused by hardware or transmission malfunctions, or by problems with sensor displacement by ice blocks or by extraordinary discharge events

-Water level and temperature measurements are continuously monitored, and data are transmitted daily by satellite to the HQ Geomatic server. However, final validation (new calibrations) is needed to check if the hydrometric sensor did not dislocate in the time interval between 2 visits. In case of displacement, new rating equations need to be developed to correct the published discharge data.





Data Description

Click here to read some technical details!

The data shown in this web site are derived from automatic hydrometric gauging stations that were installed in 2018 by Niskamoon in the following rivers (station ID in brackets): Beaver (CAST1008), Conn (CONN1009), Eastmain (EAST1005), Guillaume (GUIL1011), Jolicoeur south branch (JOLI1004), Jolicoeur north branch (JOLI1021), Maquatua (MAQU1007), Seal (PHOQ1010), Old Factory (VICO1006). In addition to these 9 stations, the website shows data from 5 hydrometric that have been operated by Hydro-Qubec in southern James Bay and that have been incorporated to the James Bay River Monitoring Network: Broadback (BROA0753), Nottaway (NOTT960), Pontax (0926), Rupert (RUPE0744), and La Grande (LG1). Note that Pontax station has been transferred to Quebec government in 2019 and is currently operated by the <93>Centre d<92>expertise hydrique du Qubec<94> (discharge data can be visualized online:

The raw pressure and temperature data from the hydrometric stations are transmitted via satellite to the HQ Geomatic Unit daily, where the data are collected, summarily checked, and transmitted once a week to the River Team at the UQAM. The UQAM team collates, checks the data, and transforms the pressure data to water discharge using the individual rating equations that have been developed for each of the rivers by the HQ technical team, stores the resulting water discharge and temperature data, and updates daily mean discharge and temperature values to the website. The data that can be visualized on this website are preliminary and have been transmitted with limited verification and review for quality assurance by the HQ Geomatic Unit (Hydrometry); they are intended for visualization only. Subsequent re-calibration procedures following in situ sensor verification and other quality control procedures that are carried twice yearly may result in slight differences from what is currently displayed and will be updated in the future in the final data base. River discharge and temperature data can be made available upon request for research and other purposes upon expressed consent from CNG and Niskamoon Corporation. Data requests should be directed to Paul del Giorgio ().

Technical notes:

-River discharge values are calculated from empirical relationships (rating curves) that have been established in open water conditions and do not apply for ice covered conditions.

-Winter gauges were not used for the calculation of the rating equations because the levels can be influenced by the presence of ice.

-Initial calibration for the 9 new hydrometric stations was carried out between spring of 2019 and fall 2019 using a Doppler velocimeter integrated into a remote-controlled catamaran

-Gaps in the data series are generally caused by hardware or transmission malfunctions, or by problems with sensor displacement by ice blocks or by extraordinary discharge events

-Water level and temperature measurements are continuously monitored, and data are transmitted daily by satellite to the HQ Geomatic server. However, final validation (new calibrations) is needed to check if the hydrometric sensor did not dislocate in the time interval between 2 visits. In case of displacement, new rating equations need to be developed to correct the published discharge data.





Data Description

Click here to read some technical details!

The data shown in this web site are derived from automatic hydrometric gauging stations that were installed in 2018 by Niskamoon in the following rivers (station ID in brackets): Beaver (CAST1008), Conn (CONN1009), Eastmain (EAST1005), Guillaume (GUIL1011), Jolicoeur south branch (JOLI1004), Jolicoeur north branch (JOLI1021), Maquatua (MAQU1007), Seal (PHOQ1010), Old Factory (VICO1006). In addition to these 9 stations, the website shows data from 5 hydrometric that have been operated by Hydro-Qubec in southern James Bay and that have been incorporated to the James Bay River Monitoring Network: Broadback (BROA0753), Nottaway (NOTT960), Pontax (0926), Rupert (RUPE0744), and La Grande (LG1). Note that Pontax station has been transferred to Quebec government in 2019 and is currently operated by the <93>Centre d<92>expertise hydrique du Qubec<94> (discharge data can be visualized online:

The raw pressure and temperature data from the hydrometric stations are transmitted via satellite to the HQ Geomatic Unit daily, where the data are collected, summarily checked, and transmitted once a week to the River Team at the UQAM. The UQAM team collates, checks the data, and transforms the pressure data to water discharge using the individual rating equations that have been developed for each of the rivers by the HQ technical team, stores the resulting water discharge and temperature data, and updates daily mean discharge and temperature values to the website. The data that can be visualized on this website are preliminary and have been transmitted with limited verification and review for quality assurance by the HQ Geomatic Unit (Hydrometry); they are intended for visualization only. Subsequent re-calibration procedures following in situ sensor verification and other quality control procedures that are carried twice yearly may result in slight differences from what is currently displayed and will be updated in the future in the final data base. River discharge and temperature data can be made available upon request for research and other purposes upon expressed consent from CNG and Niskamoon Corporation. Data requests should be directed to Paul del Giorgio ().

Technical notes:

-River discharge values are calculated from empirical relationships (rating curves) that have been established in open water conditions and do not apply for ice covered conditions.

-Winter gauges were not used for the calculation of the rating equations because the levels can be influenced by the presence of ice.

-Initial calibration for the 9 new hydrometric stations was carried out between spring of 2019 and fall 2019 using a Doppler velocimeter integrated into a remote-controlled catamaran

-Gaps in the data series are generally caused by hardware or transmission malfunctions, or by problems with sensor displacement by ice blocks or by extraordinary discharge events

-Water level and temperature measurements are continuously monitored, and data are transmitted daily by satellite to the HQ Geomatic server. However, final validation (new calibrations) is needed to check if the hydrometric sensor did not dislocate in the time interval between 2 visits. In case of displacement, new rating equations need to be developed to correct the published discharge data.





Data Description

Click here to read some technical details!

The data shown in this web site are derived from automatic hydrometric gauging stations that were installed in 2018 by Niskamoon in the following rivers (station ID in brackets): Beaver (CAST1008), Conn (CONN1009), Eastmain (EAST1005), Guillaume (GUIL1011), Jolicoeur south branch (JOLI1004), Jolicoeur north branch (JOLI1021), Maquatua (MAQU1007), Seal (PHOQ1010), Old Factory (VICO1006). In addition to these 9 stations, the website shows data from 5 hydrometric that have been operated by Hydro-Qubec in southern James Bay and that have been incorporated to the James Bay River Monitoring Network: Broadback (BROA0753), Nottaway (NOTT960), Pontax (0926), Rupert (RUPE0744), and La Grande (LG1). Note that Pontax station has been transferred to Quebec government in 2019 and is currently operated by the <93>Centre d<92>expertise hydrique du Qubec<94> (discharge data can be visualized online:

The raw pressure and temperature data from the hydrometric stations are transmitted via satellite to the HQ Geomatic Unit daily, where the data are collected, summarily checked, and transmitted once a week to the River Team at the UQAM. The UQAM team collates, checks the data, and transforms the pressure data to water discharge using the individual rating equations that have been developed for each of the rivers by the HQ technical team, stores the resulting water discharge and temperature data, and updates daily mean discharge and temperature values to the website. The data that can be visualized on this website are preliminary and have been transmitted with limited verification and review for quality assurance by the HQ Geomatic Unit (Hydrometry); they are intended for visualization only. Subsequent re-calibration procedures following in situ sensor verification and other quality control procedures that are carried twice yearly may result in slight differences from what is currently displayed and will be updated in the future in the final data base. River discharge and temperature data can be made available upon request for research and other purposes upon expressed consent from CNG and Niskamoon Corporation. Data requests should be directed to Paul del Giorgio ().

Technical notes:

-River discharge values are calculated from empirical relationships (rating curves) that have been established in open water conditions and do not apply for ice covered conditions.

-Winter gauges were not used for the calculation of the rating equations because the levels can be influenced by the presence of ice.

-Initial calibration for the 9 new hydrometric stations was carried out between spring of 2019 and fall 2019 using a Doppler velocimeter integrated into a remote-controlled catamaran

-Gaps in the data series are generally caused by hardware or transmission malfunctions, or by problems with sensor displacement by ice blocks or by extraordinary discharge events

-Water level and temperature measurements are continuously monitored, and data are transmitted daily by satellite to the HQ Geomatic server. However, final validation (new calibrations) is needed to check if the hydrometric sensor did not dislocate in the time interval between 2 visits. In case of displacement, new rating equations need to be developed to correct the published discharge data.





Data Description

Click here to read some technical details!

The data shown in this web site are derived from automatic hydrometric gauging stations that were installed in 2018 by Niskamoon in the following rivers (station ID in brackets): Beaver (CAST1008), Conn (CONN1009), Eastmain (EAST1005), Guillaume (GUIL1011), Jolicoeur south branch (JOLI1004), Jolicoeur north branch (JOLI1021), Maquatua (MAQU1007), Seal (PHOQ1010), Old Factory (VICO1006). In addition to these 9 stations, the website shows data from 5 hydrometric that have been operated by Hydro-Qubec in southern James Bay and that have been incorporated to the James Bay River Monitoring Network: Broadback (BROA0753), Nottaway (NOTT960), Pontax (0926), Rupert (RUPE0744), and La Grande (LG1). Note that Pontax station has been transferred to Quebec government in 2019 and is currently operated by the <93>Centre d<92>expertise hydrique du Qubec<94> (discharge data can be visualized online:

The raw pressure and temperature data from the hydrometric stations are transmitted via satellite to the HQ Geomatic Unit daily, where the data are collected, summarily checked, and transmitted once a week to the River Team at the UQAM. The UQAM team collates, checks the data, and transforms the pressure data to water discharge using the individual rating equations that have been developed for each of the rivers by the HQ technical team, stores the resulting water discharge and temperature data, and updates daily mean discharge and temperature values to the website. The data that can be visualized on this website are preliminary and have been transmitted with limited verification and review for quality assurance by the HQ Geomatic Unit (Hydrometry); they are intended for visualization only. Subsequent re-calibration procedures following in situ sensor verification and other quality control procedures that are carried twice yearly may result in slight differences from what is currently displayed and will be updated in the future in the final data base. River discharge and temperature data can be made available upon request for research and other purposes upon expressed consent from CNG and Niskamoon Corporation. Data requests should be directed to Paul del Giorgio ().

Technical notes:

-River discharge values are calculated from empirical relationships (rating curves) that have been established in open water conditions and do not apply for ice covered conditions.

-Winter gauges were not used for the calculation of the rating equations because the levels can be influenced by the presence of ice.

-Initial calibration for the 9 new hydrometric stations was carried out between spring of 2019 and fall 2019 using a Doppler velocimeter integrated into a remote-controlled catamaran

-Gaps in the data series are generally caused by hardware or transmission malfunctions, or by problems with sensor displacement by ice blocks or by extraordinary discharge events

-Water level and temperature measurements are continuously monitored, and data are transmitted daily by satellite to the HQ Geomatic server. However, final validation (new calibrations) is needed to check if the hydrometric sensor did not dislocate in the time interval between 2 visits. In case of displacement, new rating equations need to be developed to correct the published discharge data.





Data Description

Click here to read some technical details!

The data shown in this web site are derived from automatic hydrometric gauging stations that were installed in 2018 by Niskamoon in the following rivers (station ID in brackets): Beaver (CAST1008), Conn (CONN1009), Eastmain (EAST1005), Guillaume (GUIL1011), Jolicoeur south branch (JOLI1004), Jolicoeur north branch (JOLI1021), Maquatua (MAQU1007), Seal (PHOQ1010), Old Factory (VICO1006). In addition to these 9 stations, the website shows data from 5 hydrometric that have been operated by Hydro-Qubec in southern James Bay and that have been incorporated to the James Bay River Monitoring Network: Broadback (BROA0753), Nottaway (NOTT960), Pontax (0926), Rupert (RUPE0744), and La Grande (LG1). Note that Pontax station has been transferred to Quebec government in 2019 and is currently operated by the <93>Centre d<92>expertise hydrique du Qubec<94> (discharge data can be visualized online:

The raw pressure and temperature data from the hydrometric stations are transmitted via satellite to the HQ Geomatic Unit daily, where the data are collected, summarily checked, and transmitted once a week to the River Team at the UQAM. The UQAM team collates, checks the data, and transforms the pressure data to water discharge using the individual rating equations that have been developed for each of the rivers by the HQ technical team, stores the resulting water discharge and temperature data, and updates daily mean discharge and temperature values to the website. The data that can be visualized on this website are preliminary and have been transmitted with limited verification and review for quality assurance by the HQ Geomatic Unit (Hydrometry); they are intended for visualization only. Subsequent re-calibration procedures following in situ sensor verification and other quality control procedures that are carried twice yearly may result in slight differences from what is currently displayed and will be updated in the future in the final data base. River discharge and temperature data can be made available upon request for research and other purposes upon expressed consent from CNG and Niskamoon Corporation. Data requests should be directed to Paul del Giorgio ().

Technical notes:

-River discharge values are calculated from empirical relationships (rating curves) that have been established in open water conditions and do not apply for ice covered conditions.

-Winter gauges were not used for the calculation of the rating equations because the levels can be influenced by the presence of ice.

-Initial calibration for the 9 new hydrometric stations was carried out between spring of 2019 and fall 2019 using a Doppler velocimeter integrated into a remote-controlled catamaran

-Gaps in the data series are generally caused by hardware or transmission malfunctions, or by problems with sensor displacement by ice blocks or by extraordinary discharge events

-Water level and temperature measurements are continuously monitored, and data are transmitted daily by satellite to the HQ Geomatic server. However, final validation (new calibrations) is needed to check if the hydrometric sensor did not dislocate in the time interval between 2 visits. In case of displacement, new rating equations need to be developed to correct the published discharge data.





Data Description

Click here to read some technical details!

The data shown in this web site are derived from automatic hydrometric gauging stations that were installed in 2018 by Niskamoon in the following rivers (station ID in brackets): Beaver (CAST1008), Conn (CONN1009), Eastmain (EAST1005), Guillaume (GUIL1011), Jolicoeur south branch (JOLI1004), Jolicoeur north branch (JOLI1021), Maquatua (MAQU1007), Seal (PHOQ1010), Old Factory (VICO1006). In addition to these 9 stations, the website shows data from 5 hydrometric that have been operated by Hydro-Qubec in southern James Bay and that have been incorporated to the James Bay River Monitoring Network: Broadback (BROA0753), Nottaway (NOTT960), Pontax (0926), Rupert (RUPE0744), and La Grande (LG1). Note that Pontax station has been transferred to Quebec government in 2019 and is currently operated by the <93>Centre d<92>expertise hydrique du Qubec<94> (discharge data can be visualized online:

The raw pressure and temperature data from the hydrometric stations are transmitted via satellite to the HQ Geomatic Unit daily, where the data are collected, summarily checked, and transmitted once a week to the River Team at the UQAM. The UQAM team collates, checks the data, and transforms the pressure data to water discharge using the individual rating equations that have been developed for each of the rivers by the HQ technical team, stores the resulting water discharge and temperature data, and updates daily mean discharge and temperature values to the website. The data that can be visualized on this website are preliminary and have been transmitted with limited verification and review for quality assurance by the HQ Geomatic Unit (Hydrometry); they are intended for visualization only. Subsequent re-calibration procedures following in situ sensor verification and other quality control procedures that are carried twice yearly may result in slight differences from what is currently displayed and will be updated in the future in the final data base. River discharge and temperature data can be made available upon request for research and other purposes upon expressed consent from CNG and Niskamoon Corporation. Data requests should be directed to Paul del Giorgio ().

Technical notes:

-River discharge values are calculated from empirical relationships (rating curves) that have been established in open water conditions and do not apply for ice covered conditions.

-Winter gauges were not used for the calculation of the rating equations because the levels can be influenced by the presence of ice.

-Initial calibration for the 9 new hydrometric stations was carried out between spring of 2019 and fall 2019 using a Doppler velocimeter integrated into a remote-controlled catamaran

-Gaps in the data series are generally caused by hardware or transmission malfunctions, or by problems with sensor displacement by ice blocks or by extraordinary discharge events

-Water level and temperature measurements are continuously monitored, and data are transmitted daily by satellite to the HQ Geomatic server. However, final validation (new calibrations) is needed to check if the hydrometric sensor did not dislocate in the time interval between 2 visits. In case of displacement, new rating equations need to be developed to correct the published discharge data.





Data Description

Click here to read some technical details!

The data shown in this web site are derived from automatic hydrometric gauging stations that were installed in 2018 by Niskamoon in the following rivers (station ID in brackets): Beaver (CAST1008), Conn (CONN1009), Eastmain (EAST1005), Guillaume (GUIL1011), Jolicoeur south branch (JOLI1004), Jolicoeur north branch (JOLI1021), Maquatua (MAQU1007), Seal (PHOQ1010), Old Factory (VICO1006). In addition to these 9 stations, the website shows data from 5 hydrometric that have been operated by Hydro-Qubec in southern James Bay and that have been incorporated to the James Bay River Monitoring Network: Broadback (BROA0753), Nottaway (NOTT960), Pontax (0926), Rupert (RUPE0744), and La Grande (LG1). Note that Pontax station has been transferred to Quebec government in 2019 and is currently operated by the <93>Centre d<92>expertise hydrique du Qubec<94> (discharge data can be visualized online:

The raw pressure and temperature data from the hydrometric stations are transmitted via satellite to the HQ Geomatic Unit daily, where the data are collected, summarily checked, and transmitted once a week to the River Team at the UQAM. The UQAM team collates, checks the data, and transforms the pressure data to water discharge using the individual rating equations that have been developed for each of the rivers by the HQ technical team, stores the resulting water discharge and temperature data, and updates daily mean discharge and temperature values to the website. The data that can be visualized on this website are preliminary and have been transmitted with limited verification and review for quality assurance by the HQ Geomatic Unit (Hydrometry); they are intended for visualization only. Subsequent re-calibration procedures following in situ sensor verification and other quality control procedures that are carried twice yearly may result in slight differences from what is currently displayed and will be updated in the future in the final data base. River discharge and temperature data can be made available upon request for research and other purposes upon expressed consent from CNG and Niskamoon Corporation. Data requests should be directed to Paul del Giorgio ().

Technical notes:

-River discharge values are calculated from empirical relationships (rating curves) that have been established in open water conditions and do not apply for ice covered conditions.

-Winter gauges were not used for the calculation of the rating equations because the levels can be influenced by the presence of ice.

-Initial calibration for the 9 new hydrometric stations was carried out between spring of 2019 and fall 2019 using a Doppler velocimeter integrated into a remote-controlled catamaran

-Gaps in the data series are generally caused by hardware or transmission malfunctions, or by problems with sensor displacement by ice blocks or by extraordinary discharge events

-Water level and temperature measurements are continuously monitored, and data are transmitted daily by satellite to the HQ Geomatic server. However, final validation (new calibrations) is needed to check if the hydrometric sensor did not dislocate in the time interval between 2 visits. In case of displacement, new rating equations need to be developed to correct the published discharge data.





Data Description

Click here to read some technical details!

The data shown in this web site are derived from automatic hydrometric gauging stations that were installed in 2018 by Niskamoon in the following rivers (station ID in brackets): Beaver (CAST1008), Conn (CONN1009), Eastmain (EAST1005), Guillaume (GUIL1011), Jolicoeur south branch (JOLI1004), Jolicoeur north branch (JOLI1021), Maquatua (MAQU1007), Seal (PHOQ1010), Old Factory (VICO1006). In addition to these 9 stations, the website shows data from 5 hydrometric that have been operated by Hydro-Qubec in southern James Bay and that have been incorporated to the James Bay River Monitoring Network: Broadback (BROA0753), Nottaway (NOTT960), Pontax (0926), Rupert (RUPE0744), and La Grande (LG1). Note that Pontax station has been transferred to Quebec government in 2019 and is currently operated by the <93>Centre d<92>expertise hydrique du Qubec<94> (discharge data can be visualized online:

The raw pressure and temperature data from the hydrometric stations are transmitted via satellite to the HQ Geomatic Unit daily, where the data are collected, summarily checked, and transmitted once a week to the River Team at the UQAM. The UQAM team collates, checks the data, and transforms the pressure data to water discharge using the individual rating equations that have been developed for each of the rivers by the HQ technical team, stores the resulting water discharge and temperature data, and updates daily mean discharge and temperature values to the website. The data that can be visualized on this website are preliminary and have been transmitted with limited verification and review for quality assurance by the HQ Geomatic Unit (Hydrometry); they are intended for visualization only. Subsequent re-calibration procedures following in situ sensor verification and other quality control procedures that are carried twice yearly may result in slight differences from what is currently displayed and will be updated in the future in the final data base. River discharge and temperature data can be made available upon request for research and other purposes upon expressed consent from CNG and Niskamoon Corporation. Data requests should be directed to Paul del Giorgio ().

Technical notes:

-River discharge values are calculated from empirical relationships (rating curves) that have been established in open water conditions and do not apply for ice covered conditions.

-Winter gauges were not used for the calculation of the rating equations because the levels can be influenced by the presence of ice.

-Initial calibration for the 9 new hydrometric stations was carried out between spring of 2019 and fall 2019 using a Doppler velocimeter integrated into a remote-controlled catamaran

-Gaps in the data series are generally caused by hardware or transmission malfunctions, or by problems with sensor displacement by ice blocks or by extraordinary discharge events

-Water level and temperature measurements are continuously monitored, and data are transmitted daily by satellite to the HQ Geomatic server. However, final validation (new calibrations) is needed to check if the hydrometric sensor did not dislocate in the time interval between 2 visits. In case of displacement, new rating equations need to be developed to correct the published discharge data.





Data Description

Click here to read some technical details!

The data shown in this web site are derived from automatic hydrometric gauging stations that were installed in 2018 by Niskamoon in the following rivers (station ID in brackets): Beaver (CAST1008), Conn (CONN1009), Eastmain (EAST1005), Guillaume (GUIL1011), Jolicoeur south branch (JOLI1004), Jolicoeur north branch (JOLI1021), Maquatua (MAQU1007), Seal (PHOQ1010), Old Factory (VICO1006). In addition to these 9 stations, the website shows data from 5 hydrometric that have been operated by Hydro-Qubec in southern James Bay and that have been incorporated to the James Bay River Monitoring Network: Broadback (BROA0753), Nottaway (NOTT960), Pontax (0926), Rupert (RUPE0744), and La Grande (LG1). Note that Pontax station has been transferred to Quebec government in 2019 and is currently operated by the <93>Centre d<92>expertise hydrique du Qubec<94> (discharge data can be visualized online:

The raw pressure and temperature data from the hydrometric stations are transmitted via satellite to the HQ Geomatic Unit daily, where the data are collected, summarily checked, and transmitted once a week to the River Team at the UQAM. The UQAM team collates, checks the data, and transforms the pressure data to water discharge using the individual rating equations that have been developed for each of the rivers by the HQ technical team, stores the resulting water discharge and temperature data, and updates daily mean discharge and temperature values to the website. The data that can be visualized on this website are preliminary and have been transmitted with limited verification and review for quality assurance by the HQ Geomatic Unit (Hydrometry); they are intended for visualization only. Subsequent re-calibration procedures following in situ sensor verification and other quality control procedures that are carried twice yearly may result in slight differences from what is currently displayed and will be updated in the future in the final data base. River discharge and temperature data can be made available upon request for research and other purposes upon expressed consent from CNG and Niskamoon Corporation. Data requests should be directed to Paul del Giorgio ().

Technical notes:

-River discharge values are calculated from empirical relationships (rating curves) that have been established in open water conditions and do not apply for ice covered conditions.

-Winter gauges were not used for the calculation of the rating equations because the levels can be influenced by the presence of ice.

-Initial calibration for the 9 new hydrometric stations was carried out between spring of 2019 and fall 2019 using a Doppler velocimeter integrated into a remote-controlled catamaran

-Gaps in the data series are generally caused by hardware or transmission malfunctions, or by problems with sensor displacement by ice blocks or by extraordinary discharge events

-Water level and temperature measurements are continuously monitored, and data are transmitted daily by satellite to the HQ Geomatic server. However, final validation (new calibrations) is needed to check if the hydrometric sensor did not dislocate in the time interval between 2 visits. In case of displacement, new rating equations need to be developed to correct the published discharge data.





Data Description

Click here to read some technical details!

The data shown in this web site are derived from automatic hydrometric gauging stations that were installed in 2018 by Niskamoon in the following rivers (station ID in brackets): Beaver (CAST1008), Conn (CONN1009), Eastmain (EAST1005), Guillaume (GUIL1011), Jolicoeur south branch (JOLI1004), Jolicoeur north branch (JOLI1021), Maquatua (MAQU1007), Seal (PHOQ1010), Old Factory (VICO1006). In addition to these 9 stations, the website shows data from 5 hydrometric that have been operated by Hydro-Québec in southern James Bay and that have been incorporated to the James Bay River Monitoring Network: Broadback (BROA0753), Nottaway (NOTT960), Pontax (0926), Rupert (RUPE0744), and La Grande (LG1). Note that Pontax station has been transferred to Quebec government in 2019 and is currently operated by the “Centre d’expertise hydrique du Québec” (discharge data can be visualized online:

The raw pressure and temperature data from the hydrometric stations are transmitted via satellite to the HQ Geomatic Unit daily, where the data are collected, summarily checked, and transmitted once a week to the River Team at the UQAM. The UQAM team collates, checks the data, and transforms the pressure data to water discharge using the individual rating equations that have been developed for each of the rivers by the HQ technical team, stores the resulting water discharge and temperature data, and updates daily mean discharge and temperature values to the website. The data that can be visualized on this website are preliminary and have been transmitted with limited verification and review for quality assurance by the HQ Geomatic Unit (Hydrometry); they are intended for visualization only. Subsequent re-calibration procedures following in situ sensor verification and other quality control procedures that are carried twice yearly may result in slight differences from what is currently displayed and will be updated in the future in the final data base. River discharge and temperature data can be made available upon request for research and other purposes upon expressed consent from CNG and Niskamoon Corporation. Data requests should be directed to Paul del Giorgio ().

Technical notes:

-River discharge values are calculated from empirical relationships (rating curves) that have been established in open water conditions and do not apply for ice covered conditions.

-Winter gauges were not used for the calculation of the rating equations because the levels can be influenced by the presence of ice.

-Initial calibration for the 9 new hydrometric stations was carried out between spring of 2019 and fall 2019 using a Doppler velocimeter integrated into a remote-controlled catamaran

-Gaps in the data series are generally caused by hardware or transmission malfunctions, or by problems with sensor displacement by ice blocks or by extraordinary discharge events

-Water level and temperature measurements are continuously monitored, and data are transmitted daily by satellite to the HQ Geomatic server. However, final validation (new calibrations) is needed to check if the hydrometric sensor did not dislocate in the time interval between 2 visits. In case of displacement, new rating equations need to be developed to correct the published discharge data.


